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liadis, P., Bellos, E., Rotas, R., Kitsopoulou, A., Ziozas, N., Nikolopoulos, N., & Kosmatopoulos, E. (2025). Comprehensive framework for dynamic energy assessment of building systems using IFC graphs and Modelica. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 1–22.
Longares J.M., Mselle B.D., Gutierrez Galindo J.I., Ballestin V. (2024). Dynamic Indoor Environmental Quality Assessment in Residential Buildings: Real-Time Monitoring of Comfort Parameters Using LoRaWAN. Energies. 17(22):5534.
Battini, F., Borelli, G., Gasparella, A., Mahbub, M. S., Pernigotto, G., Ricciuti, S., Sartori, A., & Viesi, D. (2024). Simulation of energy scenarios for the transition of an urban neighborhood into a renewable energy community. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 42, 28–47.
Viesi, D., Borelli, G., Ricciuti, S., Pernigotto, G., & Mahbub, M. S. (2024). Modeling the Optimal Transition of an Urban Neighborhood towards an Energy Community and a Positive Energy District. Energies 2024, 17, 4047.
Ziozas, N., Kitsopoulou, A., Bellos, E., Iliadis, P., Gonidaki, D., Angelakoglou, K., Νikolopoulos, N., Ricciuti, S., & Viesi, D. (2024). Energy performance analysis of the renovation process in an Italian cultural heritage building. Sustainability, 16(7), 2784.
Roman, O. V., Farella, E. M., Rigon, S., Remondino, F., Ricciuti, S., & Viesi, D. (2023). FROM 3D SURVEYING DATA TO BIM TO BEM: THE INCUBE DATASET. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-1/W3-2023, 175–182.
Angelakoglou, K.; Chatzigeorgiou, E.; Lampropoulos, I.; Giourka, P.; Martinopoulos, G.; Nikolopoulos, N. (2023). Monitoring the Sustainability of Building Renovation Projects—A Tailored Key Performance Indicator Repository. Buildings, 13, 2046.
Kitsopoulou, A., Zacharis, A., Ziozas, N., Bellos, E., Iliadis, P., Lampropoulos, I., Chatzigeorgiou, E., Angelakoglou, K. and Nikolopoulos, N. Kitsopoulou, A., Zacharis, A., Ziozas, N., Bellos, E., Iliadis, P., & Lampropoulos, I. (2023). Dynamic Energy Analysis of Different Heat Pump Heating Systems Exploiting Renewable Energy. Sustainability, 15(14), 11054.
Apostolopoulos, V., Mamounakis, I., Seitaridis, A., Tagkoulis, N., Kourkoumpas, D., Iliadis, P., Angelakoglou, K., & Nikolopoulos, N. (2023). Αn integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle costing approach towards sustainable building renovation via a dynamic online tool. Applied Energy, 334, 120710.
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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Grant agreement no. 101069610
This project is funded by the European Union under grant agreement no. 101069610. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.