Webinar: Empowering Social Inclusion in Construction

powering social inclusion webinar
17 September 2024

On September 17th, InCUBE organized a webinar with Tech4EU cluster partners HumanTech and RoBétArmé on the importance and progress of social inclusion initiatives in the construction sector.

Webinar: Empowering Social Inclusion in Construction

Experts Harshita Thakare (InCUBE), Helen Patricia Rosen (HumanTech) and Tony Velin (RoBétArmé) shared insights into their gender equality plans and preliminary results, as well as initiatives to introduce adaptive technologies into the industry to make the physical labor aspect more accessible to all under the “design for all” approach. The session was rounded out with an interactive Q&A, where speakers answered questions such as “will the robots steal my job?”. To get the answer, watch the webinar recording here. Many thanks to our speakers and all those in attendance!