Residents Notified of Transformation Plans for Van Heemskerck Apartment Complex
In a recent announcement, it has been revealed that the current residents of the Van Heemskerckflat in Groningen have received both an email and a letter, stating that plans are underway to transform the apartment complex in 2024. InCUBE partner Lefier, the housing association responsible for managing the building, has notified the tenants that their lease agreements will be terminated as it will not be possible to reside in the flat during the transformation process. Consequently, residents have been given until the end of March, 2024, to vacate the premises.
The proposed transformation project aims to revitalize the Van Heemskerckflat, breathing new life into the aging structure. If all goes according to plan, the demolition work is expected to commence on April 1, 2024. It is worth noting that the flat may be vacant earlier than this date, but for now, April 1 remains the targeted start date.
The decision to transform the Van Heemskerckflat is part of an ongoing effort to improve and modernize the housing options within the region. By renovating and redeveloping the apartment complex, Lefier aims to provide residents with more contemporary and comfortable living spaces that meet current standards. The transformation process is expected to bring about significant changes to the building’s design and amenities, creating a more appealing and sustainable living environment.
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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Grant agreement no. 101069610
This project is funded by the European Union under grant agreement no. 101069610. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.