Webinar – Empowering Social Inclusion in Construction: Leveraging Technology for a Diverse Workforce

Webinar – Empowering Social Inclusion in Construction: Leveraging Technology for a Diverse Workforce

17 September 2024
Start: 15:00 hour
  /  End: 16:15 hour

We are excited to invite architects, engineers, construction professionals, HR representatives, and technologists to join our upcoming webinar focusing on the use of technology in enabling inclusivity in the construction sector.

During the webinar, our esteemed cluster partners, LAMA, HumanTech, and RoBétArme, will introduce the need for more diversity within the industry, how to address the problem through assisted technology solutions, and early results of pilot practices for introducing gender equality. These solutions are tailored to encourage new entrants and grow the workforce needed to execute the EU building renovation wave.

This webinar presents a distinguished panel of DEI and technical experts sharing firsthand experiences, roadmaps, and practical insights into successfully marrying inclusivity practices and technological innovation within the construction sector.

Join us for an enriching session that promises to elevate your understanding of the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion on construction projects, and how modern solutions can help close the gender gap in traditionally male-dominated work. We look forward to your participation! 

Here you can find the registration link and the agenda.

Featured Speakers

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Harshita Thakare
Researcher & Evaluator at LAMA Imprese Sociale 

Harshita Thakare is an Economist & Urban Planner with extensive professional experience in research, monitoring and evaluation, and development projects across Europe, Africa, and South Asia. She is part of the Research & Evaluation team at LAMA, working on several EU projects focusing on inclusive built environments, theory of change, and impact assessment for innovative regeneration practices.

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Patricia Helen Rosen
Research Scientist at German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

Patricia Helen Rosen is a researcher within the unit “Human Factors, Economics” at BAuA. Her fields of expertise are human-centred workplace design and human-robot interaction (HRI). In her research, she focuses on cognitive ergonomics and mental states in relation to HRI, like the assessment of HRI-quality or task design in HRI teams.

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Tonny Velin
Consultant at Information Catalyst for Enterprise (ICE)

Tonny Velin is an expert in Information Technology and Communication (ICT) with over 35 years of expertise. He has a strong background in managing and leading innovative projects in various sectors, including aerospace, defense, and telecommunications. Since 2016, he has been the President of CENTIC, where he focuses on advancing ICT initiatives in the Region of Murcia, Spain.

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